Why lash baths are so important for retention

Retention Booster Lash Bath at Glow Up Studio

As a dedicated lash extension stylist, I wanted to take a moment to emphasize the importance of properly washing your lash extensions before your scheduled lash refill.

Why Washing Your Lash Extensions Matters

Improved Adhesion:

Clean lashes provide a better surface for the adhesive to bond, ensuring a stronger and longer-lasting hold for your lash extensions.

Oil and Residue Removal:

Daily activities, skincare products, and natural oils from your skin can accumulate on your lashes. Washing helps remove these residues, preventing any potential barriers to the adhesive during your refill.

Healthier Lashes:

Regular cleaning promotes overall lash health. It prevents the build-up of debris and bacteria that can lead to irritation or even infection if left unaddressed.

Enhanced Appearance:

Clean lashes not only contribute to the health of your natural lashes but also enhance the appearance of your extensions. They will look fresher, more vibrant, and beautifully extended.

How to Properly Wash Your Lash Extensions

Use a Gentle Cleanser:

Choose a lash extension-safe foaming cleanser or a mild, oil-free cleanser recommended by your lash stylist. Avoid oil-based products, as they can break down the adhesive.

Be Gentle:

Use a soft brush or your fingertips to gently cleanse your lashes. Avoid rubbing or pulling on the extensions, as this can cause premature shedding.

Rinse Thoroughly:

Ensure that you rinse your lashes thoroughly with clean, lukewarm water to remove any remaining cleanser.

Pat Dry:

Gently pat your lashes dry with a clean, lint-free cloth or tissue. Avoid rubbing, as this can cause damage to both your natural lashes and extensions.

Brush Through:

Use a clean lash spoolie to brush through your lashes, separating and untangling any crossed or twisted extensions.

I forgot to clean my lashes before my appointment

If you didn’t have the time to clean your lashes prior to your refill visit do not fret! All stylists can perform a Retention Booster Lash Bath for only $5 before your lash service ($10 should a deeper clean be required).

By incorporating an effective pre-refill lash cleaning routine into your lash care, you contribute to the longevity and health of your lash extensions. It also allows me to work with a clean canvas, ensuring your refill appointment goes smoothly and the results are as stunning as ever.

Thank you for your attention to this important aspect of lash care. I look forward to providing you with a fabulous lash refill experience soon!

All my love,


Master Lash Stylist at Glow Up Studio Dallas